All blackboards are noted from the left to the right as well as from the bottom to the top floor of the buildings
Level 0
Blackboard 1:
It still remains unknown why this island is resilient to magick. Maybe the search for cosmic influence shall reveal the answer. Please do not disturb me in the observations!
Ps. Any sightings of magick shall be reported to Cipfried. ~Asralius
Blackboard 2:
Wanna earn a good coin? Come to Willy's side of the mill. Plenty o' work on the vegetables.
Wanna earn better coin? Come to Billy's side of the mill. Thermal spring and exotic fruits!
Stop changing the sign!
Bite me!
Blackboard 3:
Happy Independence Day!
The day of Independence of Rookgaard from Thais shall forever be celebrated! We are growing as a community.
Pay me a visit in the Oracle Room, citizen. ~Seymour
Blackboard 4:
Please be mindful of Dwarven mining operations on the island. We must secure both interests and the security of the island. Help in securing both will be rewarded. ~Seymour
Level -4 Blackboards 1-6: -Bug - Exhibition only! The lever is not operational. -Wolf - Exhibition only! The lever is not operational. -Troll - Exhibition only! The lever is not operational. -Spider - Exhibition only! The lever is not operational. -The exhibition teleporters have been made available again thanks to the kindness of Asralius. -These exhibitions remind of an interactive playground where students could learn about fire and energy fields, and their harmful effects. An unacceptable practice nowadays.
Level -3
Blackboard 1: This lever used to teach students how to uncover hidden passages. Currently not operational. Please take the next door.
Blackboard 2: The famous key 4600 used to be purchased from Mayor Seymour, who used to work as a librarian back in the day. It was placed in this chest in the new exhibition.
Level -2
Blackboard 1: Rookgaard Academy Training Room - destroyed in 2011 by a Thais order.
Rebuilt in 2024.
Level 0:
Blackboard 1: Curious to learn more about what is currently happening on Rookgaard? Feel free to chat with our new librarian - Vascalir, who is in charge of the entire community! ~Seymour Blackboard 2: Royal Order Thais #2269
"By decree of Thais, Mayor Seymour is hereby ordered to deliver 10,000 fish daily. Fish shall be packed in wooden barrels and transported via boat to Thais cargo harbor. Failure to comply will result in termination of the contract.
Signed, Royal Fishery Office." Blackboard 3: Community Counter: Leave items you don't need on the counter below for others to take!
Others: Take only what you need, return if you don't need it anymore! Blackboard 4: Houses in the city are available for rent! Blackboard 5: If you want to learn about animals, how to tame wolves, skin corpses with a knife, and run a bestiary record - pay me a visit in the hut by the Wasp Tower! ~Stephan
Blackboard 6: Floor -1: Trading Room, Post Office, and Bank Floor 0: Library (you are here) Floor 1: Mayor Seymour's Office
Blackboard 7: Welcome to the Library of Rookgaard. Feel free to take a look at our books. They should answer most of your concerns!
Weapon and Armor shop
Level 0:
Blackboard 1: You may use the smelter at the back of the shop. Just start it with some coal...
Useful if you found some iron... or brass. ~Obi
Blackboard 2: The anvil has seen better days for sure... You may still use it for repairs, but chances are, you will fail. ~Obi
Blackboard 3: New to Fletching? Don't worry, we too. Try to experiment on the fletching table below. Maybe you will be able to craft a bow or some arrows... ~Obi
Last updated